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Motivation vs. Discipline

We all want to be motivated. We all want to be disciplined.

You might be thinking, “What’s the difference?” But according to many self-help gurus, there are differences. Or are there?

At the beginning of the year, you’re motivated to make some changes. You’re going to find a better job, lose 30 pounds, exercise each day, and read a book each week. You’re so excited at the beginning of the year.

You purchase a gym membership, some new cross training shoes, and join Amazon Prime, because you know you’re going to be ordering a lot of books, and you’ll make good use of that free shipping.

Fast-forward to early March and you realize that you’ve only read two books, haven’t been to the gym in weeks, spent $30 on Amazon prime, $90 on your gym membership, and gained exactly one pound.

You were motivated at the beginning, but you lacked the discipline necessary to carry on when your motivation flagged.

Many believe there are differences between motivation and discipline:

  1. Motivation is the emotion of wanting to do something. You might wish that you were motivated to go to the gym or to paint the spare bedroom. Of course, you’re motivated to go fishing if you love fishing. There are many ways to create motivation and motivating yourself
  2. Discipline is doing the thing that needs to be done, regardless of whether you feel like doing it or not. Discipline requires discomfort. If it were comfortable, you’d already be motivated to do it.
  3. You’ll never be free without discipline. If you require motivation to do something, you’re at the mercy of your emotions. There are too many things left undone if motivation is necessary for you to take action. To have real control over your life and yourself, discipline is necessary.
  4. Discipline is limited. You can only force yourself to do something you don’t like for so long. Some people have quite a bit more than others, but everyone runs out eventually unless someone is standing over them with a stick.
  5. Discipline is most useful for developing habits. Habit formation requires discipline at first. However, once a habit is established, discipline is no longer required. You don’t need discipline to brush your teeth, for example. Use your discipline where it can have long-lasting effects by developing powerful habits.

Another Way to Look at It:

Discipline and motivation can be almost the same thing, too. Consider that discipline is largely the ability to self-motivate. You wouldn’t make yourself do a task in the first place if there were no benefit to you. You either believe you’re going to receive something enjoyable or avoid something painful.  Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that those people with discipline are actually those people with a high level of skill in the art of self-motivation. Those with the ability to motivate themselves can do the seemingly impossible. The person that can drag themselves out of bed on a cold, rainy morning to go for a run is someone that is able to focus on their long-term objective. They are good at reminding themselves why they need to put on their shoes and head out the door. They focus on the benefits instead of the misery of getting up and facing cold, wet weather. Keep the benefits on your behaviors in mind, rather than focusing on the task itself. Learning to motivate yourself is more important than any concepts of discipline, motivation, enthusiasm, and willpower. If you can motivate yourself, any goal is within reach. Every action you take or avoid is due to some level of motivation.


15 Weight Loss Motivation Tips

If you’re like many adults, you begin your diet with great enthusiasm. You drink protein smoothies and turn down deserts. However, as the weeks go by, you find yourself making more excuses and shedding fewer pounds.

Jumping from one popular diet plan to another is likely to yield the same results until you build sustainable motivation.

It’s important to change your thinking to prevent old habits from creeping back. Consider keeping a variety of strategies in your toolbox that you can turn to in different situations. With practice, you can develop plenty of motivation to stick to your weight loss goals. Use these practical tips to take weight off and keep it off.

Developing an Effective Weight Loss Attitude:

  1. Look inwards. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Warnings from your doctor and workplace contests may give you a quick incentive to lose weight but finding your own reasons will help you to make lasting changes.
  2. Love your body. Regard healthy eating as something positive you do for yourself rather than deprivation. Appreciate your body and enjoy nourishing it.
  3. Live mindfully. Set the table and sit down at mealtimes. Turn off the TV and pay attention to your food. You’ll probably feel fuller with fewer calories.
  4. Set realistic goals. Create targets you can achieve. Each victory will inspire you to keep trying. Maybe you’ll want to lose 1 pound a week or give up soda.
  5. Plan for relapses. Be prepared for obstacles and setbacks. You’re less likely to feel discouraged if you know how you’ll recover from overindulging during business trips or holiday parties.
  6. Seek counseling. Do you feel like you need help understanding your thoughts and behaviors about food and your body image? Talking with a therapist may provide insights and options for how to cope.

Developing Effective Weight Loss Habits:

  1. Eat whole foods. Fill your plate with vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Cut back on ultra-processed foods that are a major source of empty calories, sugar, and sodium.
  2. Control portions. Learn how to estimate serving sizes. Using smaller plates and bowls is one easy way to slim down your meals.
  3. Add flavor. You can still enjoy your food. Sprinkle herbs and spices into soups and salads. Roast vegetables with olive oil and garlic.
  4. Weigh yourself. Some studies suggest that adults who step on the scale each day are more successful at losing weight. Keep in mind that it’s natural for your weight to fluctuate, so you’re really looking for upward trends you can catch early.
  5. Stay hydrated. It’s easy to mistake thirst for hunger. Try drinking a glass of water when you crave something fattening to see if the feelings will pass.
  6. Dine in. Compared to home cooking, restaurant fare tends to be much higher in calories, fat, and salt. Master quick recipes and pack a lunch bag for work.
  7. Rest and relax. Managing stress and sleeping well reduce hormones that signal your body to store fat. Stick to a consistent bedtime and find relaxation practices that work for you.
  8. Be social. Make weight loss fun by inviting your family and friends to join you. Take cooking classes together and discuss your progress on social media. Support each other in developing healthy new habits.
  9. Move more. While your diet usually plays the major role, physical activity is important too. Staying strong and fit will lift your spirits and help you to lose weight safely.


Discovering Your Life's Purpose

There is a purpose for your life, whether you believe it or not. You may have to take several paths, but with a little digging, you can find where you're meant to be.

The first clue to figuring out your purpose in life is to consider what natural talents, gifts and abilities you're born with.

  • Are you artistic or musical?
  • Is it easy for you to talk to people?
  • Are you a natural communicator?
  • Do you love to socialize?
  • Do you love to decorate and rearrange your home?
  • Are you good at taking charge?
  • Are you creative and crafty?
  • Do you understand electronics and technical gadgets?
  • Do you understand computer technology?
  • Do people compliment you on your style?
  • Are you a good writer?
  • Do you have good organizational skills?

Once you figure out what talents naturally live within you, you can then understand what you're supposed to be doing with those gifts and talents. This is your purpose in life. 

What Do You Love to Do?

Have you ever sat down and really reflected on what you love to do? There are literally millions of possibilities, so start with the gifts and talents you were born with. From there figure out what you love to do that requires using those gifts and talents.

  • If you're artistic or musical, teaching others how to draw, paint or play an instrument may be your calling in life.
  • Being naturally social, you might consider being an organizer for social events. 
  • If you're always redecorating and rearranging your home, why not get paid to do it and start an interior decorating business?
  • Being a natural born leader opens all kinds of doors that could lead you in many different directions. Does your church or other local community groups need someone to head up a department? You may find your purpose there.
  • If you're good at making crafty things, helping at a preschool or elementary school may be fulfilling for you. Using your creative ability could open the door to a career in graphic arts as well.
  • If you're technically minded, perhaps you might consider using your understanding of electronics to fix equipment or you might enjoy working in an electronics store.
  • If you have a strong knowledge of computers, you're certain to find a career online or with a high tech company or you might even consider starting your own business.
  • If you're naturally stylish and love to keep up with what's new in the fashion world, perhaps designing your own line of clothing or accessories is your purpose. Or maybe you'd enjoy helping others discover what style works best for them by working in a clothing store. Another option may be to offer your services as a fashion consultant to those who are unemployed, so they can learn how to dress professionally for job interviews.
  • The love of writing may be something you don't even realize yet. With blogging becoming the most popular way to market a business, getting paid to write is a great way to make money from home. Many people have started a simple blog that has turned into a money making machine. Start by writing on topics you already have knowledge about and go from there. You might be surprised at how much money you can make with your love of writing.
  • Using your organizational skills, you might be fond of going into homes and getting them ready for sale or helping elderly persons organize their homes. You could also offer your services online as an organizational consultant or teach those who aren't naturally organized.

Finding your purpose in life simply takes self-reflection as well as some trial and error. Free yourself from wandering through life without purpose. We're all here for a reason and, once your find your purpose and begin living it, you'll feel happy and fulfilled!

Affirming Your Gratitude Can Bring Peace to Your Life

What do you have to be thankful for?

Starting your day off with some gratitude affirmations is a great way to remind yourself of all the wonderful things you have in your life. When you repeat aloud these affirmations of gratitude, you energize yourself and gain the courage to face the day and all of the frictions and adventures it may bring.

Affirming your gratefulness helps you recognize that you can have what you most want and need in order to reap the fulfilling life you deserve. Joy, money, love, and happiness are yours. You deserve it!
Affirmations are easy to do and they don’t take much time at all. In just a few minutes you can turbo charge your day better than a rocket-fueled cup of coffee ever could. By reflecting on your prosperity and abundance you’ll soar above your current highest high!
Gratitude Affirmations and Stress
Once you’ve worked affirmations into your morning (you can say them anytime again throughout the day or night, too) you’ll start to notice that your inner world is much less stressed. 

When you have finally let it sink into your subconscious mind that you can have all that you need and desire, your stress will start to slip away. Your negative reactions are soothed and they slip away. You can now enjoy peace of mind and a sense of calm that you may never have known before. 
12 Highly Effective Affirmations

  1. I feel an abundance of gratitude for everything I have and receive every day.
  2. My needs and desires are generously met. For this I am thankful.
  3. I am grateful for all the great health, love, and goodness that my life has revealed to me.
  4. I am continually amazed at how abundant my life is already!
  5. I am grateful for everything I experience in this lifetime. I overcome, I grow, and I prosper all the time. My abundant blessings, as well as my difficulties, all make me better, stronger, and more alive.
  6. I am so grateful for every person and every thing in my life.
  7. I appreciate everything I have and I show my sincerest gratitude to my loved ones.
  8. The universe pours joy into my life every day. It has my cup overflowing with wealth, health, and love.
  9. My life is singular, unique and wondrous. For this I am profoundly thankful.
  10. I clearly see the beauty of life that flourishes around me.
  11. I give gratitude for God’s endless treasures.
  12. I am grateful for my blessed ancestors living on through my blood.

Using the affirmations above along with your own will help you lead a less stressful and more fulfilling life.

Spending some time with positive affirmations, while appreciating all that you have and all that’s heading your way is one of the easiest “stress relief drugs” you’ll ever take. Yet, affirmations come with no ill side effects and they’re free. Choose peace in your life by using the power of affirmations and gratitude.


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